Here you will find interesting information that can be usefull in your business operations.
- Skype – free phone over the InternetInternet, global information network is very well known today and there is almost no business person who has not used it one way or another. We are using it the most for browsing World Wide Web, looking for information of all kinds. Next to that, we are using it very often as a media for transmission of electronic mail and for access to different types of electronic services like e-banking e-shoping, e-learning, etc. But do you know that over Više »
- Guarantee programs by HAMAG-BICROSmall and medium entrepreneurs that don’t have sufficient own collaterals for getting the loan to finance investment in their business, can ask for guarantee issued by HAMAG-BICRO. Guarantees issued by HAMAG-BICRO are the premium collaterals for investments in business development of small and medium entrepreneurs. They can be used for covering part of the principal for loans approved by commercial banks or HBOR (Croatian Bank for Više »
- Small Business definitionA business entity has to meet the requirements as defined by the provisions of the Small Business Stimulation Act, published in Official Gazette Narodne Novine 29/2002, 63/2007, 53/2012 and 56/2013, in order to be considered a Small Business entity. This act sets out the limits for the number of employees and the financial results achieved in the preceding business year. You can download The new SME definition in the form of practical User guide Više »
- Factoring for improving receivables collectionFactoring is a financial service in which service provider (the Factor) purchases non-due receivables from the Supplier that has delivered to the Buyer some goods or performed some services. As a rule, the Factor is purchasing short-term receivables with maturity up to 180 days. The factoring fee depends on the credit rating of the Buyer, i.e. the risk of collection of receivables from him, and the cost of service, beside a factoring fee, Više »