Quality Management

For the concept of quality there is no clear definition, and it is used in various ways. However, there is always a positive value and reflects something good and desirable. Therefore, in the business context quality something pursued. Numerous entrepreneurs wanting to achieve and maintain the quality of the business, the company introduced its quality management systems (QMS).

Unfortunately, many experiences from practice show that, once introduced, QMS is often not applied in the right way, and consequently, its effects do not meet the expectations of entrepreneurs. The reason for that is that the companies often do not understand that for the implementation of the QMS is not enough just to prepare the documentation, but it is necessary to make a complete change in business philosophy and approach to the business. Quality must become the way of living/working and it has to be dealt with on daily basis. And it has to be clear that without a clear commitment to quality from the highest levels of responsibility (owners/management) the chances for success are questionable.

SMEs generally cannot afford to allocate one person to deal with quality issues exclusively, so this task is entrusted to some of the employees on top of his / her regular duties. More often than not, that person, because of the high pressure of daily obligations, doesn’t give the quality issues due importance and priority. Therefore the quality issues are becoming actual “in a campaign” – a month or two before the external audit and recertification. That way the form could probably be satisfied, but real content and value are missing.


Working with our clients, we have noticed that this is the area with high improvement potential, and we offer them our support in realizing that. In addition to the standard service of preparation for the QMS implementation in their business, we also offer our clients service of part-time Quality Manager. By using this service, through the part-time engagement of a competent outsourced expert (say two days a month), SMEs can ensure that someone is, continuously and, even more important, fully dedicated, engaged with their QMS and takes care that it is actively applied and further developed.